Lap vs Regular Pools: Which One Is Best for You?

Swimming pools are a popular addition to many homes, providing a refreshing and relaxing space to unwind after a long day. For those interested in swimming for exercise, lap pools and regulation-size pools are the top choices. While they may seem similar at first glance, several key differences exist.

In this article, we'll explore those differences and look closely at lap and regulation-size pools as explained by experienced swimming pool contractors.

Fine Line between a Lap Pool and a Regulation Size Pool

First, let's define what each type of pool is. A lap pool is a swimming pool that is typically long and narrow, designed for swimmers to swim laps in a straight line. Conversely, a regulation-size pool meets the standards set by a particular governing body, such as FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation), which is the international governing body for swimming.

One of the primary differences between a lap pool and a regulation-size pool is their size. A regulation-size pool is typically much larger than a lap pool, with a length of 25 or 50 meters and a width of 16.5 meters. On the other hand, a lap pool can be much shorter, with a length of around 12 to 15 meters. This size difference is significant to consider when deciding which type of pool to install, as it will impact the amount of space required for construction. You can go for the best custom swimming pools in OKC by talking to a renowned contractor.

Lap Pool vs. Regular Pool: Talking about the Space

Regarding available space, a lap pool is often the better choice for homeowners with limited space. Because lap pools are designed to be long and narrow, they take up less square footage than a regulation-size pool. This makes them ideal for small backyards or homes with limited outdoor space. Additionally, lap pools can be customized to fit into unique or irregularly shaped spaces, providing more flexibility in terms of design.

On the other hand, if you have plenty of space available and want a pool suitable for swimming competitions or training, a regulation-size pool may be the better option. While they require more space, regulation-size pools provide a full-size swimming experience unmatched by lap pools. If you're an avid swimmer or have children who are competitive swimmers, a regulation-size pool may be the way to go.

Advantages of Lap Pools According to Swimming Pool Contractors

If you're considering a lap pool for your home, there are several benefits to keep in mind. First and foremost, lap pools are an excellent way to stay in shape. Swimming laps are low-impact exercises that can improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and increase endurance. With a lap pool in your backyard, you'll have a convenient and private space to swim laps on your schedule.

Another benefit of lap pools is their versatility. While they are designed primarily for lap swimming, they can also be used for other activities like water aerobics, aquatic therapy, or lounging and relaxing. Lap pools can also be customized with features like underwater lighting, waterfalls, or built-in spas, making them a luxurious addition to any home. Call a reputable swimming pool contractor in OKC to decide what is best.

Choosing the Right Swimming Pool Contractor for Your Custom Swimming Pool

When it comes to building a custom swimming pool, choosing the right contractor is crucial. You want to work with a contractor with the expertise and experience to design and build a pool that meets your unique needs and budget. Look for a swimming pool contractor who is licensed and insured, has a solid reputation in the community, and can provide references from previous clients.

Additionally, it's crucial to choose a contractor who specializes in the type of pool you're interested in. If you're interested in a lap pool or regulation-size pool, look for a contractor with experience building those types of pools specifically. They will be familiar with each pool type's unique design and construction requirements and can provide guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs.

Ask questions about their process, timeline, and pricing. A good contractor will be transparent and communicative throughout the entire process, from the initial design consultation to the final installation. They should also be able to provide a detailed estimate and timeline for the project, so you know what to expect every step of the way.

We Build the Best Pools

Regardless of which pool type you choose, working with a qualified swimming pool contractor who can bring your vision to life is essential. With the right contractor and design, you can create a custom swimming pool that provides you and your family with years of enjoyment and relaxation. Contact Rose Hill Pools and place your requirements to us. Our team of pool builders will visit your place and build the best pool for you!