Dive Into A Splashy Guide to Pool Construction Terms

If you're like most folks, when someone mentions the word "summer," a cascade of delicious imagery floods your mind: barbecues, warm beaches, and, best of all, the irresistible allure of a fabulous swimming pool. Now, you're thinking of turning that summertime daydream into a reality by getting your backyard oasis. It's a brilliant idea, but the process can seem as complicated as synchronizing a 100-person aquatic ballet. That's where your friendly neighborhood pool builders come in. However, understanding their language can be quite the Olympic challenge. Don't fret; we're here to turn your 'Huh?' into 'Aha!'. Let's dive in, shall we?

Decoding Aqua-Speak: Your Comprehensive Guide to Pool Construction Terms

Embarking on the journey of swimming pool construction can feel like diving into the deep end of a pool filled with jargon. It's akin to learning an entirely new dialect - full of unusual, peculiar words. Fear not, though, for we're here to navigate these waters together, demystifying this pool lingo one ripple at a time.

  • Unearthing the Backbone: The Unsung Beam

The term' beam,' in the pool universe, doesn't refer to a dazzling stream of sunlight; rather, it's the load-bearing framework bordering the top edge of your pool. Similar to your spine's role, the beam is the support system that binds the entire pool structure together. Without a well-designed beam, your dream pool may become an ambitious puddle.

  • Understanding Coping: A Poolside Mystery

Coping is different from your stress management strategy when you hear your pool completion is a few weeks away. In pool terms, it's the finishing touch, the capstone to the pool wall. This ledge is where you'd lazily dangle your feet over, lost in contemplation - to swim or not to swim.

  • The Perimeter: A Familiar Term in an Unfamiliar Setting

Who knew that your long-forgotten math lessons on perimeters would make a comeback in the world of pools? But here it is, and in this context, the perimeter is the total exterior edge of your pool. It's the demarcation line where the tranquility of water ends and the solidity of the land begins.

  • Deciphering Rebar: The Pool's Sturdy Skeleton

Rebars, short for reinforcing bars, are steel bars that create the sturdy skeleton of your pool. These bars play a role similar to your daily gym workouts - they provide structural strength and durability to the pool, ensuring it remains robust and resilient.

  • The Marvel of Gunite: The Pool's Durable Outerwear

Gunite, a harmonious blend of cement and sand, resembles a superhero suit for your pool's structure. Gunite, applied in a spray-on method over the rebar, forms a hard shell, acting as a fortified barrier against potential water leaks.

  • Exploring Surface Area: The Expanse of Enjoyment

The surface area isn't just the tranquil surface of the water where your kids' toys bob gently. It's the total expanse your pool covers. The bigger the surface area, the more cannonball enthusiasts it can accommodate simultaneously.

  • Diving into the Pool's Interior: Where the Fun Happens

The pool interior is more than just the inside surface of your pool. It's the arena for all the aquatic fun – from the thrilling midnight swims to the laughter-filled games of Marco Polo and the occasional humbling belly flop.

  • The Allure of Decking: The Poolside Runway

The decking of a pool is like the glamorous runway that surrounds it. It serves as a space for loungers to bask in the sun, the stage for festive pool parties and a dance floor for the bold and the brave attempting their version of the worm dance.

  • Mastic: A Sweet Name for a Serious Function

In the vocabulary of expert pool builders, mastic doesn't point toward a sweet Mediterranean treat but a sealant. It's applied between the coping and the decking, acting as a barrier to prevent water from seeping into areas under your pool, thereby playing hide and seek with the pool's integrity.

  • The Main Trench: The Pool's Lifeline

Think of the main trench as your pool's intricate network of veins. This trench is the conduit for all the critical systems - electrical wiring and plumbing. Without a well-laid main trench, your pool would be a glorified, stationary bathtub.

  •  Filtration Pump: The Lifeblood of the Pool

The filtration pump is the pool's unsung hero, tirelessly maintaining a clean and healthy environment, much like kidneys in the human body. It circulates and filters the water, ensuring it remains sparkly and refreshing, ready for your next dive.

  • The Control Center: The Pool's Command Station

The control center is the pool's central command station. It manages everything from heating to filtration and lighting. Consider it the pool's executive assistant, dedicated to keeping everything running smoothly and efficiently.

  • Pool Cleaner: The Underwater Custodian

The pool cleaner is the dutiful janitor of your pool, unceasingly working to keep it free from leaves, bugs and errant pool toys. It's the reliable underwater housemaid, ensuring your pool remains a joy to swim in.

  • The Pool Filter: The Guardian of Water Clarity

The pool filter is akin to a beauty regime for your pool. Its role is to remove impurities, maintaining crystal clear water that reflects your unwavering dedication to preserving your backyard paradise.

  • Sanitation: A Crucial Health Initiative

Sanitation in the pool context refers to the techniques to keep your pool free from harmful bacteria and pathogens. Chlorine is popular in this battle, ensuring the pool's health and safety.

  • The Minimum Pool Specs: A Basic Blueprint from Pool Builders

The minimum pool specs outline the fundamental needs of your pool to function optimally. These specs define the size, depth and filtration system, among other things. They're the foundation on which trusted pool builders develop your dream pool's final bells and whistles in OKC.

So, there you have it, water enthusiasts. The next time you converse with pool builders, you'll confidently wield these terms like a seasoned pro. Are you ready to make a splash in your backyard paradise?

Your Summer Oasis Awaits with Rose Hill Pools

Ready to take the plunge into a summer of unforgettable splashes and memories? At Rose Hill Pools, we bring the essence of relaxation to your backyard. As leading pool builders in OKC, we craft more than just pools – we create a personal retreat that your flip-flops will be eager to reach every sunny afternoon. So why wait? Dive into your dream pool project with us today!